Þetta multifunctional hálsmen er meistaraverk!
Gauges: 2 – 10mm / 0 – 15 US knitting needles
Length: 95 cm / 37.4 inches long
Zircons: Grade AAAA
Made from: Surgical/Medical steel 316L
Colors: High polished steel (silver) or with 18K plating
Comes with: one stitch marker with white freshwater pearl and one without pearl. They are used when making a different look of the necklace. (See main picture) The main clasp that comes with the necklace is to use for connecting chains together. (We recommend keeping the main clasp at the back of the necklace when wearing the necklace as shown in the main picture)
Packaging: Reusable
How to clean: Mild soap, rinse with water, dried with cloth
The jewelry is designed for use, so don't be afraid to use your gauges!
Ef þú ert að versla erlendis frá bætist verðið án virðisaukaskatts í körfuna þína.
Ef þú ert að versla á Íslandi er allt verð með 24% vsk.
Use the necklace differently each time, design your necklace while putting it on and if you feel like it, add freshwater pearl stitch markers or zircon balls as your decoration. Why not steal the show !
Allar keðjur í Pearl safninu mínu eru samtengdar
Þarftu belti? Vefjið því um mittismálið í fallega kjólinn þinn fyrir kvöldið eða á frjálslegum dagsfundi með vinum. Ákveðið lengd beltisins með því að nota armband eða aðrar keðjur og annað hvort láttu það sitja eðlilegt eða búðu til þína eigin hönnun og skipulag.
Viltu armband? Vefjið þetta nýja hálsmen um úlnliðinn nokkrum sinnum og það verður að fallegu armbandi! Þú getur bætt ferskvatnsperlum sem skraut við skartgripina þína bara til að gera það mjöðm og flottara.
Stitch markers can be added to this jewelry or used as individual earrings, and you will simply glow with your freshwater pearl earrings or other stitch marker earrings we offer.
It is made out of surgical steel to prevent allergy
Húðuð með 18K gullhúðun sem er 8 sinnum sterkari en önnur venjuleg málun og gengur ekki út jafnvel við daglega notkun!
Perlan mín Það er ný hönnun og getur í dag einfaldlega með einum smelli orðið Perlan þín !
Multifunctional knitting necklace
Gauge: 2 – 10 mm / 0 – 15 US
Length: 95 cm
Sirconium quality: AAAA
Substance: Medical Steel 316L
Paint: High polish (silver) or 18K hard gold plating
Comes with: one freshwater pearl loop marker and one loop marker without pearl.
The neck chain has a lock that is used when connecting chains together for lengthening, such as for belts. This lock is very secure and strong and therefore not suitable for anything other than chain connections. The stitch marks are only used when changing the necklace as shown in the main picture. The strong lock can then be stored at the back of the middle chain so that it lands on the back of the neck and is therefore less likely to get lost.
Packages: Reusable packaging
Cleaning: Mild soap, rinsed with water, wiped with cloth
All of the jewellery in the My Pearl line is made from 316L medical steel, which has been effective against allergies. The 18K gilt is hard gilt and is 8x stronger than traditional gilt and should last for decades.
The entire Pearl collection is designed for use, so don't be afraid to use your utility jewelry.
Try using the necklace as a bracelet or ankle band!